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Oil and Gas Production rig
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customized web applications for:

  1. Project Management
  2. Engineering
  3. Construction
  4. Commissioning
  5. Operations
  6. Maintenance

Software for High-Speed Railway

We developed a custom application for SIEMENS to streamline the commission-
ing process. Our app generated loop-test sheets, providing crucial support to the commissioning team. This solution ensured efficient and accurate testing of 20.000 instrument loops, significantly enhancing project workflow and reliability.

Snohvit LNG

More than
30 years experience:

  1. Software Development
  2. Electrical
  3. Instrumentation
  4. Automation
  5. Mechanical
  6. Piping
  7. Welding
  8. Machining

Also gained on this LNG project for Statoil Norway

steel manufacturing plant

Replacement of electrical Installation

We were involved in the replacement of electrical equipment at a steel manufacturing plant in the Netherlands following a rupture in the cooling water line. Part of the electrical installation was located in cellars that were flooded. Our contributions helped ensure minimal downtime and a swift return to full operational capacity.

drilling rig

Software for Cable Pulling Operations

We created a specialized application for DOLPHIN DRILLING at DAMEN VEROLME in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, to optimize the cable pulling process for the Blackford Dolphin drilling rig. During construction, over 300 km of cables needed to be installed. Our application generated cable pulling slips, providing essential support to the construction team and ensuring efficient and accurate cable installation.

coal fired power plant

Power Plant Inspections

During construction of the Electrabel coal-fired power plant, we conducted inspections for the mechanical completion of Electrical and Instrumen-
tation (E&I) equipment, guaranteeing seamless transfer to the commis-
sioning team.